I’ve been on the market, until just recently, for a new computer. The notebook I had been using was old and unable to stay charged, had an incurable virus and was, literally, falling apart. Apparently, If you take care of your computer, it will take care of you, or so I was told by one of the geeks of the geek squad when I took it in to be looked at. It was obvious that I hadn’t done the best job of that, but I thought it might still stand a chance at being able to be resuscitated. After the assessment was given, I decided it was best for everyone involved; me, the computer, the techie, and my wallet, to just pull the plug, and buy new.
I’ll be the first to admit my technological shortcomings and if the earlier geek experience hadn’t already made that obvious, I could now see it written all over the face staring back at me. “What type of computer are you using now,” a woman with a name badge asked. “Uuuuuhhhhh....” I really don’t know this. She attempted to ask me more questions she thought I might know how to answer in order to narrow down the selection and find the right laptop for me. She’d explain the benefits of one over the other and I’d pretend to understand most of what she was talking about.
I don’t need confusing bells and whistles, just a portable laptop with basic functions that works. However, there was one feature I was particularly curious about. Since it has been a number of years since I bought a new computer, I wanted to know what was on the market now in the way of greener computer production. So I asked,“What are some components being used that make a computer better for the environment?” Now I was the one with the baffling questions,“Uuuuuhhhhh....” I guess you can't be a genious at everything. Although she was helpful in mentioning how most computers are now energy star approved and that this particular retailer has a recycling program which is basically a junkyard for old motherboards (admirable), what about looking for highly recyclable aluminum encapsulation over plastic and polycarbonate, super efficient mercury and arsenic free LED lit screens verses CCFL’s and LCD’s, use of responsible, low waste packaging, fewer parts, less toxins, and more energy efficiency? This is becoming a new and exciting standard in the world of technology and it seems we all stand to learn a lot.
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