Monday, September 7, 2009

Be Resourceful- Paper or Plastic

Most grocery stores present you with a choice every time you go through the check out line: paper or plastic. What is really the better option for you and the environment?
It sounds simple, but it can't hurt to be reminded that, anytime you can replace a plastic with something else that is comparable but completely biodegradable, you should. Plastic, virutually never biodegrades, and even if recycled, it can only be made into another plastic product which virtually never degrades. When it comes to grocery store shopping, I try to bring my own tote bags (made from recycled plastic bottles, light as air, and only set me back $.99). When I forget them or make an impromptu stop, I always opt for paper. I know there was concern awhile back about paper products resulting in massive deforestation. Saving trees is admirable, but brown bagging it is usually the result of post-consumer waste and recycled  material, not fresh pulp. So selecting paper is better if you forgot your reusable tote. The same cannot be said of plastic which is not nearly as often derived from recycleables or recycled after use and is extremely hazardous to the environment from production to finished product. And, you can use the sturdy paper bags for other things once you've put your groceries away. I use mine as trash bags, recycle bins, or even book covers. They also make great craft paper or surface protectors for children's activities. It's the perfect example of the greenest golden rule: reduce, reuse, recycle. The alternatives are limitless. Just think outside the bag.


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